
the usual nightmare

this happened before.  whenever I don't see m mom/parents for an amount of time.  The guilt and the worries just eat me.

It was not just horrible, but sad.

Starting from the New ork trip.  like the Jap trip one more time.  Mom and dad basicall paid me a visit.  Or we all went to the place that I'm proud of and know ver much.  I alwas bring them to where I think it's interesting.  so I showed them some shitt place, and williamsberg warehouse.  Dad said he's tired so we had to cancel the tour.  when we finall got him back to the hotel.  Mom was exhausted and fainted out again.  And then she starts to lose her mind.

Jump cut to one defining moment.  We couldn't find her.  Where is she?  So panicking.  Boom, she's in the living room.  She's kind of blending into the background.  'Cos she's lost her mind, she's all empt so she's static and quiet.  Then she suddenl charged at me, attacking me b an umbrella.  She shouted out something which clearl shows that she didn't recognize me.

I brought her back in the room.  put her on the bed.  so light.  Clearl I see in her ees.  It's all gone.  And I screamed out cring.  So deep from m lung.  Unbearable feeling of fear and worries. and sadness.

Then I woke up, cring.  in numberous replas of the dream I imagined a scene.  Parents left us just like that, without leaving a word.  No wa m bro and I know how to deal with the house in fairness.  We eventuall decided to sell the house.  Then I felt extremel sad.  it's like the onl propert , the onl thing that shows m parents' life time work, just got dump awa and demolished.

Then, I heard some thing when I was in bed.  Some woman talked in a low but clear voice.  「好。等一下噢。來。」wtf was that?

The emotion was so real and strong.  so raw and rapid.

