
Happy Ending 06: Casting

Quick note: 謝欣穎


謝欣穎以「愛麗絲的鏡子」拿到金馬獎最佳女配角,可是片子沒發DVD啊,只能說相信金馬的眼光,絕對有一定的水準。重點是看了她的網路相簿,她似乎有所謂的 fabulous life,modeling 可能是她的正業,然後有些紙醉金迷的夜生活或是party。但她... 她拍的照片是有在看東西的,似乎不笨。

外型真是非常瘦,不曉得她的頭髮可不可以剪,絕對可以做造型的。大眼睛、小臉蛋,並沒有特別顯眼的美麗,事實上這是好事。Scarlett Johansson 也沒有那樣美輪美奐,但是在 Match Point 裡面這樣性感到爆炸,她是我心目中王佳芝的西洋版強力候選人,跟 Natalie Portman 一起競爭這一角色,然後我八成會說,Congrats, Scarlett. I'm so sorry, Natalie. 這樣的白日夢真是做上千變也不厭倦。


Penélope Cruz,好想找到一個華人版,今年順利拿下奧斯卡女配角獎,實至名歸。在 Vicky Cristina Barcelona 裡面,我數度被她逗的拍腿大笑,威力實在太強,那西班牙有點圓圓的口音真是太迷人。這傢伙怎麼這麼適合某種娼妓般的美麗啊。這麼說來,台版是田麗嗎?可惜田麗老了一點點,做演員真是不容易。

2 則留言:

1422511 提到...

I agree. Natalie is beautiful, but I never feel she is sexy....and Scarlet, even her "look" is very sexy, whereever her eye falls, she is seducing something, someone

Summerbug 提到...

Honestly, I think Natalie would well portrayed the naive side of 王佳芝, and she could be very convincing when turning evil. However, Scarlett can be innocent and green just like what she did in "Lost in Translation," and, yes, she just nailed down those sexist eye movements. You should check out her performance in "Match Point." When she's on, she IS on.

There're two ways to try to understand why 易先生 falls for 王佳芝. Natalie is suited for Ang Lee's version: Not very sexy, probably true love. Scalett is my version, Yi just couldn't resist this femme fatale.